Saturday, December 18, 2021

ASM и архитектура

Архитектура машины:

Justice How Computers Really Work: A Hands-On Guide to the Inner Workings of the Machine .перевод
Bryant, O’Hallaron Computer Systems A Programmer’s Perspective .перевод
Patt, Patel Introduction to Computing Systems: From Bits & Gates to C/C++ & Beyond
Hsu Computer Architecture: Software Aspects, Coding, and Hardware
Nisan, Schocken The Elements of Computing Systems: Building a Modern Computer from First Principles
Lewin, Noaks Theory and Design of Digital Computer Systems
by Hennessy, Patterson:
Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach
Computer Organization and Design .перевод .ARM .MIPS .RISC-V
Tanenbaum, Austin Structured Computer Organization .перевод
Stokes Inside the Machine: An Illustrated Introduction to Microprocessors and Computer Architecture
Stallings Computer Organization and Architecture: Designing for Performance
Null, Lobur The Essentials of Computer Organization and Architecture
Clements Computer Organization & Architecture: Themes and Variations
Clements Principles of Computer Hardware
Comer Essentials of Computer Architecture
Mano Computer System Architecture
Elahi Computer Systems: Digital Design, Fundamentals of Computer Architecture and Assembly Language
Murdocca, Heuring Principles of Computer Architecture
Dumas Computer Architecture: Fundamentals and Principles of Computer Design
Englander The Architecture of Computer Hardware, Systems Software, & Networking: An Information Technology Approach
Govindarajalu Computer Architecture and Organization: Design Principles and Applications
Chakraborty Computer Organisation and Architecture: Evolutionary Concepts, Principles, and Designs
Shiva Computer Organization, Design, and Architecture
Ledin Modern Computer Architecture and Organization: Learn x86, ARM, and RISC-V Architectures and the Design of Smartphones, PCs, and Cloud Servers
Bindal Fundamentals of Computer Architecture and Design
by Sarangi:
Computer Organisation and Architecture
Basic Computer Architecture .PDF
Advanced Computer Architecture
Mueller, Paul Computer Architecture: Complexity and Correctness
Yadin Computer Systems Architecture
Blanchet, Dupouy Computer Architecture
Tarnoff Computer Organization and Design Fundanentals. Examining Computer Hardware from the Bottom to the Top
Plantz Introduction to Computer Organization: An Under the Hood Look at Hardware and x86-64 Assembly
Ghosh Computer Organization
Abd-El-Barr, El-Rewini Fundamentals of Computer Organization and Architecture
Bell, Gordon Computer Structures: Readings and Examples

Орлов, Цилькер Организация ЭВМ и систем
Хорошевский Архитектура вычислительных систем
Максимов, Партыка, Попов Архитектура ЭВМ и вычислительных систем
Сергеев Архитектуры вычислительных систем
Жмакин Архитектура ЭВМ

Solihin Fundamentals of Parallel Multicore Architecture
Dubois, Annavaram, Stenström Parallel Computer Organization and Design

.digital circuit design:
Petzold Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software .перевод
Maxfield Bebop to the Boolean Boogie. An Unconventional Guide to Electronics
Harris, Harris Digital Design and Computer Architecture .перевод .ARM.перевод .RISC-V.перевод
Mano, Kime, Martin Logic and Computer Design Fumdamentals
Mano Digital Logic and Computer Design
Balch Complete Digital Design: A Comprehensive Guide to Digital Electronics and Computer System Architecture
Arroz, Monteiro, Oliveira Computer Architecture: Digital Circuits to Microprocessors
Kothari, Dhillon Digital Circuits and Design
Рабаи, Чандракасан, Боривож Цифровые интегральные схемы. Методология проектирования
Угрюмов Цифровая схемотехника
Лехин Схемотехника ЭВМ
Synthesis Lectures on Digital Circuits and Systems

From Nand to Tetris: Building a Modern Computer From First Principles

.computer arithmetic:
Parhami Computer Arithmetic: Algorithms and Hardware Designs
Flores The Logic of Computer Arithmetic
Flores Computer Logic: The Functional Design of Digital Computers
Koren Computer Arithmetic Algorithms
Omondi Computer-hardware Evaluation of Mathematical Functions
Lu Arithmetic and Logic in Computer Systems
Ercegovac, Lang Digital Arithmetic
Brent, Zimmermann Modern Computer Arithmetic
Swartzlander Computer Arithmetic VOL1 VOL2 VOL3
Kulisch Computer Arithmetic and Validity: Theory, Implementation, and Applications
Vlăduţiu Computer Arithmetic: Algorithms and Hardware Implementations
Muller Elementary Functions: Algorithms and Implementation
IEEE 754-2019 Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic
Muller… Handbook of Floating-point Arithmetic
Warren Hacker's Delight .перевод

Alessandrini Shared Memory Application Programming: Concepts and Strategies in Multicore Application Programming

Bik The Software Vectorization Handbook: Applying Intel Multimedia Extensions for Maximum Performance
BaEcon SIMD Programming Manual for Linux and Windows
Leiterman Vector Game Math Processors


Jacob, Ng, Wang Memory Systems: Cache, DRAM, Disk
Handy The Cache Memory Book
Przybylski Cache and Memory Hierarchy Design. A Performance Directed Approach
Nagarajan, Sorin, Hill A Primer on Memory Consistency and Cache Coherence
Yu Semiconductor Memory Devices and Circuits

.спецификации компьютерной памяти:
LA-1B SLA-01.0

Drepper What Every Programmer Should Know About Memory .PDF


WIKIBook Microprocessor Design
Microprocessors and Microsystems
Darche Microprocessor VOL1 VOL2 VOL3 VOL4 VOL5
Shen, Lipasti Modern Processor Design: Fundamentals of Superscalar Processors
Nurmi Processor Design: System-On-Chip Computing for ASICs and FPGAs
Baer Microprocessor Architecture: From Simple Pipelines to Chip Multiprocessors
McFarland Microprocessor Design: A Practical Guide from Design Planning to Manufacturing
Donzellini, Garavagno, Oneto Introduction to Microprocessor-Based Systems Design
Goossens Guide to Computer Processor Architecture: A RISC-V Approach, with High-Level Synthesis

Brey The Intel Microprocessors .перевод
Lyla The X86 Microprocessors: Architecture and Programming 8086 to Pentium
Nagoor Kani Microprocessors and Microcontrollers
Kant Microprocessors And Microcontrollers Architecture. Programming and System Design 8085, 8086, 8051, 8096
Ramesh Microprocessor Architecture, Programming, and Applications with the 8085
Shanley 80486 System Architecture
Shanley Pentium Pro and Pentium II System Architecture
Shanley The Unabridged Pentium 4. IA32 Processor Genealogy
Shanley Protected Mode Software Architecture
Левенталь, Сэйвилл Программирование на языке ассемблера для процессоров 8080 и 8085
Ю-Чжен, Гибсон Микропроцессоры семейства 8086/8088
Дао Программирование микропроцессора 8088
Морс, Алберт Архитектура микропроцессора 80286
Страусс Микропроцессор 80286
Dr. Dobb's Toolbook of 80286/80386 Programming
Брамм, Брамм Микропроцессор 80386 и его программирование
Смит, Джонсон Архитектура и программирование микропроцессора INTEL 80386
Гук, Юров Процессоры Pentium III, Athlon и другие
Гук, Юров Процессоры Pentium 4, Athlon и Duron


Anderson, Shanley ISA System Architecture

X86-спецификации от INTEL
Tech Docs от AMD
Programmer's Reference Manuals от INTEL

Shanley x86 Instruction Set Architecture

список команд
AMD64 Instruction Reference
SIMD Instructions List

..кодовые таблицы:
структура OPCODE-пространства
схемы кодирования инструкций

..cheat sheets:
Intel Assembler 80x86 CodeTable

Hohl, Hinds ARM Assembly Language: Fundamentals and Techniques
Elahi, Arjeski ARM Assembly Language with Hardware Experiments
Kusswurm Modern Arm Assembly Language Programming: Covers Armv8-A 32-bit, 64-bit, and SIMD

MIPS Architectures
Jorgensen MIPS Assembly Language Programming using QtSpim

RISC-V Specifications
Patterson, Waterman The RISC-V Reader: An Open Architecture Atlas
Borin An Introduction to Assembly Programming with RISC-V
visual µarch-симулятор Ripes

WikiChip WIKI по микроархитектурам
таблица X86-команд
X86-оптимизационные материалы by Agner Fog
Gonzalez, Latorre, Magklis Processor Microarchitecture: An Implementation Perspective
Lipp Exploiting Microarchitectural Optimizations from Software

.Interconnect Architectures:

..HyperTransport / Infinity Fabric:
MindShare HyperTransport 3.1 Interconnect Technology

Hardware Acceleration / Off-host Processing:

Intel Graphics for Linux – Programmer's Reference Manuals
AMD GPU ISA documentation

⫶GPU Gems
⫶Morgan Kaufmann’s Applications of GPU Computing
⫶GPU Pro
⫶GPU Pro 360


Аппаратное программирование / Peripheral Interfaces:

Messmer The Indispensable PC Hardware Book
van Gilluwe The Undocumented PC. A Programmer's Guide to I/O, CPUs, and Fixed Memory Areas

Нортон, Уилтон IBM PC и PS/2. Руководство по программированию
Нортон Программно-аппаратная организация IBM PC
Рош Библия по техническому обеспечению Уинна Роша
Несвижский Программирование аппаратных средств в Windows
Кулаков Программирование на аппаратном уровне
Джордейн Справочник программиста персональных компьютеров типа IBM PC, XT и AT
Авдеев Периферийные устройства: интерфейсы, схемотехника, программирование
Shanley Plug and Play System Architecture

Intel Desktop Chipsets Documentation

Гук Шины PCI, USB и FireWire

PCIe Base Spec. REV1.0 REV1.1.CB REV2.0.CB REV2.1.CB REV3.0.CB REV3.1.CB REV4.0.CB REV5.0.CB
Shanley… PCI PCI-X PCI_Express System Architecture
Abbott PCI Bus Demystified
Jackson, Budruk, Winkles, Anderson PCI Express Technology 3.0
Петров Шины PCI, PCI Express. Архитектура, дизайн, принципы функционирования
The PCI ID Repository

Intel's HPET specification v1.0a

SCSI & SAS specifications (T10 Working Drafts)
Field, Ridge Book of SCSI: I/O for the New Millennium
Sawert The Programmer’s Guide to SCSI
Гук Интерфейсы устройств хранения. ATA, SCSI и другие. Энциклопедия

Deming The Essential Guide to Serial ATA and SATA Express
Anderson SATA Storage Technology: Serial ATA

USB specifications
xHCI 1.2 specification
Axelson USB Complete: The Developer's Guide
Anderson, Trodden, Winkles, Budruk USB 3.0 Technology: Comprehensive Guide to SuperSpeed USB
Anderson USB System Architecture (USB 2.0)
Агуров Практика программирования USB
Агуров Интерфейсы USB. Практика использования и программирования
The USB ID Repository

Axelson Serial Port Complete: COM Ports, USB Virtual COM Ports, and Ports for Embedded Systems
Bai The Windows Serial Port Programming Handbook
Магда Программирование последовательных интерфейсов
Агуров Последовательные интерфейсы ПК. Практика программирования

Gadre Programming the Parallel Port: Interfacing the PC for Data Acquisition and Process Control
Axelson Parallel Port Complete: Programming, Interfacing, & Using the PC's Parallel Printer Port

Уилтон Видеосистемы персональных компьютеров IBM РС и РS2
Ferraro Programmer's Guide to the EGA, VGA, and Super VGA Cards
Соколенко Программирование SVGA-графики для IBM PC
Sanchez, Canton The PC Graphics Handbook
VESA BIOS Extension VBE3.0

.Boot ROM firmware:
ACPI & UEFI specifications
SMBIOS specification
System BIOS for IBM PC/XT/AT Computers and Compatibles: the Complete Guide to ROM-based System Software
Салихан BIOS. Дизассемблирование, модификация, программирование
Marisetty, Rothman, Zimmer Beyond BIOS: Developing with the Unified Extensible Firmware Interface

Системное программирование:

Beck System Software: An Introduction To Systems Programming .перевод
Фельдман Системное программирование на персональном компьютере
Молчанов Системное программное обеспечение
Гордеев, Молчанов Системное программное обеспечение

.OS design:
WIKIBook Operating System Design

Verma, Garg Operating Systems: An Introduction
Anderson, Dahlin Operating Systems: Principles and Practice
Davis Operating Systems: A Systematic View
McHoes, Flynn Understanding Operating Systems
Operating Systems
Elmasri, Carrick, Levine Operating Systems: A Spiral Approach
Godbole, Kahate Operating Systems
Tanenbaum, Woodhull Operating Systems Design and Implementation .перевод
Tanenbaum, Bos Modern Operating Systems .перевод
Stallings Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles .перевод
Arpaci-Dusseau, Arpaci-Dusseau Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces .HTML .перевод
Silberschatz, Galvin, Gagne Operating System Concepts
Damdhere Operating Systems
Chauhan Principles of Operating Systems
Doeppner Operating Systems in Depth
Hailperin Operating Systems and Middleware: Supporting Controlled Interaction
Madnick Operating Systems
Haldar Operating Systems
Deitel, Deitel, Choffnes Operating Systems
Дейтел Введение в операционные системы ТОМ1 ТОМ2
Иртегов Введение в операционные системы
Кейслер Проектирование операционных систем для малых ЭВМ
Шоу Логическое проектирование операционных систем

.Boot Loaders:
How to develop your own Boot Loader

Giampaolo Practical File System Design with the Be File System

File Formats WIKI

Прикладное программирование:

RBIL .HTML .rbinter

TechHelp .HTML

Schulman Undocumented DOS: A Programmer’s Guide to Reserved MS-DOS Functions and Data Structures
Microsoft MS-DOS Pogrammer's Rference: Covers Through Version 6 : The Oficial Technical Rference to MS-DOS
Duncan Advanced MS-DOS Programming: The Microsoft Guide for Assembly Language and C Programmers
Burki, Ward MS-DOS System Programming
Angermeyer, Jaeger MS-DOS Developer's Guide
Jump Programmer's Guide to MS-DOS
Aitken The Esential Gide to MS-DOS 5 Pogramming
Young Inside DOS: A Programmer's Guide
Dettmann, Johnson DOS Programmer's Reference
Tischer PC Intern System Programming: The Encyclopedia of DOS Programming Know How
Williams DOS: A Developer's Guide: Advanced Programming Guide to DOS .DOS5 .DOS6
Kyle DOS 6 Developer's Guide
Хитрово Начала системного программирования в среде MS-DOS7
Пьеро, Люкзак, Рейко Руководство по программированию под управлением MS DOS

Awesome DOS

Programming MS-DOS with Power

BTTR Software links

WIKIBook Windows Programming

Windows API на MSdocs
The Win32 Programmer’s Reference HTML_index
Microsoft Systems Journal .HTML_archive: 1986—2000 2001—2005, MSDN Magazine 2003—2019
архив The Microsoft Architects Journal (2004-2010)
архив TechNet Magazine

Yosifovich Windows Kernel Programming .перевод
Yosifovich Windows 10 System Programming PART1 PART2
Russinovich… Windows Internals PART1.перевод PART2
Pietrek Windows Internals: The Implementation of the Windows Operating Environment
Hart Windows System Programming .перевод
Honekamp Windows System Programming
Oney Systems programming for Windows 95
Williams Windows 2000 Systems Programming Black Book .перевод

Microsoft Win32 Programmer's Reference VOL2
Ladd Win 32 API: A Programmer's Reference
Рихтер Windows для профессионалов. Создание эффективных Win32-пpилoжeний с учетом специфики 64-разрядной версии Windows
Petzold Programming Windows .3 .3.1 .95.перевод(ТОМ1 ТОМ2) .5ED
Programmer's Guide to Microsoft Windows 95
Simon Windows 95 WIN 32 Programming API Bible
Tamura Programming Windows 95 Unleashed
Гринзоу Философия программирования Windows 95/NT
Leinecker, Archer Windows 98 Programming Bible
Toth Programming Windows 98/NT Unleashed
Mueller Windows 2000 Programming Bible
Custer (Inside Windows NT, Inside the Windows NT File System) .перевод
Solomon Inside Windows NT
Myers Mastering Windows NT Programming
Windows NT Programming in Practice
Williams Programming Windows NT 4 Unleashed
Schildt Windows NT 4 Programming from the Ground Up
Raj, Subodh Windows NT 4. Advanced Programming
Simon Windows NT 4 Win32 API SuperBible
Саймон Microsoft Windows API. Справочник системного программиста
Kauler Windows Assembly Language and Systems Programming: 16- and 32-bit Low-Level Systems Programming for the PC and Windows
Seyfarth Introduction to 64 Bit Windows Assembly Programming
Пирогов Ассемблер для Windows
Побегайло Системное программирование в Windows
Щупак Win32 API. Разработка приложений для Windows
Румянцев Азбука программирования в Win32 API
Финогенов Win32. Основы программирования
Powell Multitask Windows NT
Krell High-speed Windows Applications: Multitasking Design Methods
Beveridge, Wiener Multithreading Applications in Win32: The Complete Guide to Threads
Pham Multithreaded Programming with Win32
Duffy Concurrent Programming on Windows

Windows GUI Guidelines .1995.scan .1999.scan .2010
Clark Windows Developer's Guide to Application Design
Cluts Programming the Windows 95 User Interface
Sanchez Windows Graphics Programming
Yuan Windows Graphics Programming: Win32 GDI and DirectDraw .перевод

Friedman, Pentakalos Windows 2000 Performance Guide
Friedman, Northrup, Stern, Weston Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Performance Guide
Huffman Windows Performance Analysis Field Guide
Nagar Windows NT File System Internals: A Developer's Guide

Oney Programming the Microsoft Windows Driver Model .перевод
Viscarola, Mason Windows NT Device Driver Development
Baker, Lozano The Windows 2000 Device Driver Book: A Guide for Programmers
Комиссарова Программирование драйверов для Windows

McClure, Scambray Hacking Exposed Windows
Pietrek Windows 95 System Programming Secrets
Шульман Неофициальная Windows 95
Шрайбер Недокументированные возможности Windows 2000

Nebbett Windows NT/2000 Native API Reference
Windows X86-64 System Call Table
NTAPI Undocumented Functions NT/2000/XP/Win7
Windows Data Structures
Windows Vista Kernel Structures

Windows source code leaks: NT4.0 NT5.0 NT5.1 NT5.2

MS DevBlogs
MSDN and TechNet Blogs archive
The Old New Thing by Raymond Chen .PDF .rubricator

Understanding Windows x64 Assembly
утилиты Sysinternals
Spy++ монитор системных объектов
WinSpy монитор свойств окон
API Monitor монитор WinAPI-вызовов
Control Spy Common Controls explorer

Dependencies актуальная замена Dependency Walker (рекурсивный сканер зависимостей PE-файлов)

LordPE утилита для редактриования PE-файлов
PE Tools утилита для изучения PE-файлов
EXE Explorer

WinAPIOverride WinAPI-монитор
CBT Hooker WinAPI-хукер

.Mac OS:
Levin Mac OS X and iOS Internals
Singh Mac OS X Internals

Raymond The Art of UNIX Programming

Dandamudi Guide to Assembly Language Programming in Linux
Kerrisk The Linux Programming Interface
Duntemann Assembly Language Step-By-Step: Programming with Linux
Seyfarth Introduction to 64 Bit Intel Assembly Language Programming for Linux
Jorgensen x86-64 Assembly Language Programming with Ubuntu


.Free BSD:
McKusick, Neville-Neil Design and Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System

McDougall, Mauro Solaris Internals


WIKIBook x86 Assembly

Bartlett Programming From The Ground Up

Salomon Assemblers and Loaders
Levine Linkers and Loaders

by Randall Hyde:
The Art of Assembly Language
The Art of 64-Bit Assembly VOL1
Write Great Code:
… …VOL1 Understanding the Machine
… …VOL2 Thinking Low-Level, Writing High-Level
… …VOL3 Engineering Software

by Michael Abrash:
Zen of Assembly Language: Volume I, Knowledge
Zen of code optimization
Michael Abrash's Graphics Programming Black Book .HTML

Hoey Beginning x64 Assembly Programming: From Novice to AVX Professional .перевод
Kusswurm Modern X86 Assembly Language Programming: Covers x86 64-bit, AVX, AVX2, and AVX-512 .перевод
Blum Professional Assembly Language
Streib Guide To Assembly Language: A Concise Introduction
Pruhomme Introduction to Assembly Language Progamming
Bartlett Learn to Program with Assembly: Foundational Learning for New Programmers
Dandamudi Introduction to Assembly Language Programming: For Pentium and RISC Processors
Detmer Introduction to 80X86 Assembly Language and Computer Architecture
Leiterman 32/64-Bit 80X86 Assembly Language Architecture
Dachslager Assembly Language Programming Made Clear. A Systematic Approach
Chebotko… Assembly Language Master Class

Carter PC Assembly Language
Lafore Assembly Language Primer for the IBM PC and XT
Irvine Assembly Language for x86 Processors .перевод
Mazidi, Mazidi The 80x86 IBM PC and Compatible Computers: Assembly Language, Design, and Interfacing .5ED
Norton, Socha Peter Norton’s Assembly Language Book for the IBM PC .перевод
Абель Язык Ассемблера для IBM PC и программирования
Скэнлон Персональные ЭВМ IBM PC и XT. Программирование на языке ассемблера

Юров Assembler .справочная_система .Практикум
Юров, Хорошенко Ассемблер. Учебный курс
Калашников Ассемблер — Это просто
Зубков Assembler для DOS, Windows и Unix
Рудаков, Финогенов Язык ассемблера уроки программирования
Марек Ассемблер на примерах. Базовый курс
Пустоваров Язык Ассемблера в программировании информационных и управляющих систем
Скляров Программирование на языке Ассемблера
Голубь Искусство программирования на Ассемблере
Крупник Ассемблер
Одиноков, Коцубинский Программирование на ассемблере
Аблязов Программирование на ассемблере на платформе х86-64
Пильщиков Программирование на языке ассемблера IBM PC
Магда Ассемблер для процессоров Intel Pentium
Жуков, Авдюхин Ассемблер
Сван Освоение Turbo Assembler

Dr. Dobb's Journal .HTML

Mike's x86-64 Assembly (ASM) Notes

ASM Community
The Starman's Realm

HTML-архив сайта IcZelion'а
архив (закрыт в 2013)
CHM-компиляция от 13.07.07

wasm-articles wasm-blogs

StackOverflow by tags: X86

CodeProject by tags: ASM Assembler

Paged Out
бэкап всех 9 номеров Assembly Programmer's Journal
The Memotech Owner's Club Magazines
бэкап (неполный, дефектный) архива зинов xaknotdie
архив E-зинов на textfiles
архив Dvara

GNU as
.перевод мануала FASM 1.64
.перевод мануала FasmG

Program transformation:


.machine code generating:
Aho, Lam, Sethi, Ullman Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools. «Dragon Book» .перевод
Grune, Reeuwijk, Bal, Jacobs, Langendoen Modern Compiler Design
Allen, Kennedy Optimizing Compilers for Modern Architectures
Cooper, Torczon Engineering a Compiler
Fischer, Cytron, LeBlanc Crafting A Compiler
Srikant, Shankar The Compiler Design Handbook: Optimizations and Machine Code Generation 1ED 2ED
Muchnick Advanced Compiler Design and Implementation
Su, Yan Principles of Compilers: A New Approach to Compilers Including the Algebraic Method
Parag, Himanshu Compilers: Principles and Practice
Вирт Построение компиляторов
Morgan Building an Optimizing Compiler
Cavanagh X86 Assembly Language and C Fundamentals
Zhirkov Low-level Programming: C, Assembly, and Program Execution on Intel 64 Architecture
Aiken, Banerjee, Kejariwal, Nicolau Instruction Level Parallelism
Hirano JIT Implementation Manual: the Complete Guide to Just-In-Time Manufacturing

Сборник компиляторов онлайн
Crinkler демосценерский упаковщик-компоновщик

.Performance tuning: Harchol-Balter Performance Modeling and Design of Computer Systems: Queueing Theory in Action
Gregg Systems Performance: Enterprise and the Cloud .перевод
Гербер, Бик, Смит, Тиан Оптимизация ПО. Сборник рецептов

Jain The Art of Computer Systems Performance Analysis: Techniques for Experimental Design, Measurement, Simulation, and Modeling
Kounev, Lange, von Kistowski Systems Benchmarking: For Scientists And Engineers
John, Eeckhout Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking
Lilja Measuring Computer Performance. A Practitioner's Guide

Binary instrumentation:

.by мыщъх:
Kaspersky Code Optimization: Effective Memory Usage .перевод
Kaspersky Hacker Debugging Uncovered .CHM
Kaspersky Hacker Disassembling Uncovered .draft
Касперски Техника отладки программ без исходных текстов
Касперски, Рокко Искусство дизассемблирования
Касперски Фундаментальные основы хакерства. Искусство дизассемблирования
Касперски Техника и философия хакерских атак — записки мыщ'а
Касперски Записки исследователя компьютерных вирусов
Касперски Техника защиты компакт-дисков от копирования
статьи Криса Касперски

Valgrind memory debugger

VTune Profiler основной INTEL-X86-профайлер User_Guide Cookbook
AMD μProf основной AMD-X86-профайлер

Emulation General WIKI

.Анализ и отладка:
Nielson, Nielson, Hankin Principles of Program Analysis

WIKIBook x86 Disassembly .PDF

Telles, Hsieh The Science of Debugging
Metzger Debugging by Thinking: A Multidisciplinary Approach
Blunden Software Exorcism: A Handbook for Debugging and Optimizing Legacy Code
Zeller Why Programs Fail: A Guide to Systematic Debugging
Grötker, Holtmann, Keding, Wloka The Developer's Guide to Debugging
Spinellis Effective Debugging: 66 Specific Ways to Debug Software and Systems

Soulami Inside Windows Debugging: A Practical Guide to Debugging and Tracing Strategies in Windows
Hewardt, Pravat Advanced Windows Debugging
Роббинс Отладка Windows-приложений

Пирогов Ассемблер и дизассемблирование
Румянцев Исследование программ Win32 до дизассемблера и отладчика

Eilam Reversing: Secrets of Reverse Engineering
Bachaalany, Dang, Gazet, Sébastien Practical reverse engineering: x86, x64, ARM, Windows Kernel, Reversing Tools, and Obfuscation
Wong Mastering Reverse Engineering: Re-engineer Your Ethical Hacking Skills
Cano Game Hacking: Developing Autonomous Bots for Online Games

Understanding Assembly Language (Reverse Engineering for Beginners) EN:26.03.2023 RU:26.03.2023 блог_автора
The Legend Of Random
Geoff Chappell, Software Analyst

Введение в реверсинг с нуля, используя IDA PRO
Введение в крэкинг с помощью OllyDbg

Видео по RE by Lena151

UnKnoWnCheaTs Game Hacking WIKI

X-Ways Forensics 19.8 дампер

X64DBG user-mode отладчик под Windows (актуальная замена OllyDbg)

WinDbg основной RING0-отладчик под Windows

GNU GDB command-line отладчик под UNIX-like OS
Norman, Salzman The Art of Debugging with GDB, DDD and Eclipse

IDA Pro 7.7 дизассемблер/декомпилятор
Eagle The IDA Pro Book: The Unofficial Guide to the World's Most Popular Disassembler

Eagle, Nance The Ghidra Book: The Definitive Guide .перевод

Radare набор RE-инструментов
TitanHide драйвер-маскировщик отладчика
ScyllaHide anti-anti-debugger

HyperDbg гипервизорный отладчик

Cheat Engine тоже в своём роде отладчик


DEMOscene / трюки:

SizeCoding WIKI
xchg rax,rax : 0x40 assembly riddles
Marecki, Yerzmyey, “Hellboj” Straka ZX Spectrum Demoscene


Ludwig The Giant Black Book of Computer Viruses
Virus Encyclopedia WIKI
архив зинов VX Underground
Земский фершал


Vintage Computer WIKI
Retrocomputing Archive
PCjs Machines

The Internet Archive Software Collection

.Boot ROM images:

Computer History WIKI
Martin The Universal Computer: The Road from Leibniz to Turing
Ceruzzi, Haigh A New History of Modern Computing
Гутер, Полунов От абака до компьютера
Апокин, Майстров История вычислительной техники
Апокин, Майстров Развитие вычислительных машин


The Jargon File
Magic debug values
Russ The Secret Guide to Computers .1ED .25ED .33ED